PediaLung - Dr Ioannis Makariou MD MSc
Flexible Bronchoscopy
What is a bronchoscopy?
Bronchoscopy is a procedure that allows respiratory doctors to look inside a person’s lungs.
It is a comprehensive test that can provide crucial information about you childs respiratory symptoms.
It is done under general anaesthetic on children, so that they aren’t in any distress or discomfort.
A small bronchoscope (a thin flexible tool with a fiberoptic camera at the tip) is guided through the airways to assess the lungs and at the same time to collect samples of mucus (Bronchoalveolar lavage) to look for inflammation or infection.
Other tests that can be performed are endobronchial biopsies ( tiny samples of the airway can be obtained with specially designed tiny forceps) or bronchial brushing (a tiny brush can be used to remove cells from the lining of the airway).